ICP urgently needs your help to support the people of Ukraine.

Cut from a
Different Cloth.

ICP is North America’s premier cut and sew contractor. We help make fascinating products in support of aerospace, military, medical, logistical, and custom markets.

Find the solution
that is right for
your organization

Whether you need support with small scale prototyping or require high-volume production, ICP’s passionate, expert team of engineers and production staff are eager to assist. We utilize cutting edge equipment to achieve cost-effective, high quality delivery. If only everything was this easy.

Which of our world-class divisions would serve your best? Don’t know? Then why not CONTACT US?

Top Growing Company of 2021

ICP is pleased to announce it placed No. 257 on the 2021 Report on Business ranking of Canada’s Top Growing Companies!

Canada’s Top Growing Companies ranks Canadian companies on three-year revenue growth. ICP earned its spot with three-year growth of 143%.

ICP made the decision to pivot into manufacturing PPE in order to overcome the shortages faced by the entire country. In doing so, we saw major growth in manufacturing capabilities and subsequently revenues. Placing amongst the top companies in Canada is a well deserved reflection of the hard work, time and resources put in by every member of ICP.

These People Like Us

Government of Canada
Her Majesty’s UK Government
Royal Canadian Mounted Polic
Canada Post
RBC Royal Bank
Canadian Tire
McDonalds Canada
Logistik Unicorp

What's going on

A Business Boom Inspires Investment in Automation

“We’ve doubled in size – twice, two years in a row” – Marc Langlois, President of ICP.

ICP is pleased to announce that for a second time, we have been featured in a Manufacturing In Focus article. Automation is the way forward. So we share our plans on how we’re going to tackle this next challenge.

IPC mask